CORRECTIONS AND COMMENTS: Definition 2 on page 4: "... iff |D| \subseteq |D'|." should read "... iff D \subseteq D'." Definition 7 on page 7: The selection of the pivot literals "v" and "\neg v" for producing the resolvent is unprecise. For resolution on clauses (cubes), "v" must be an existentially (universally) quantified variable. See also slide 42 of our related talk: Definition 8 on page 7: The definition "a := max({dl(l) | l \in R and dl(l) < d})" is too coarse and can be refined. In fact, a more refined version has been implemented in DepQBF 0.1 prior to writing this paper. See also source code of function "get_reason_asserting_level". See also slide 43 of our related talk: