Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas
and Beyond
colocated with the
Int. Conf. on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing
Important Dates
May 25: Submission
June 5: Notification
June 15: Camera-Ready Version
July 7: Workshop
Quantified Boolean formulas (QBF) are an extension of propositional logic
which allows for explicit quantification over propositional variables. The
decision problem of QBF is PSPACE-complete compared to NP-completeness of the
decision problem of propositional logic (SAT).
Many problems from application domains such as model checking, formal
verification or synthesis are PSPACE-complete, and hence could be encoded in
QBF. Considerable progress has been made in QBF solving throughout the past
years. However, in contrast to SAT, QBF is not widely applied to practical
problems in industrial settings. For example, the extraction and validation of
models of (un)satisfiability of QBFs and has turned out to be challenging.
The goal of the International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF
Workshop) is to bring together researchers working on theoretical and
practical aspects of QBF solving. In addition to that, it addresses
(potential) users of QBF in order to reflect on the state-of-the-art and to
consolidate on immediate and long-term research challenges.
In particular, the following topics shall be considered at the workshop:
- Directions of Solver Development
- Certificates
- Applications
- Community platform and repository
Invited Talks
- Title: Toward Computer-Aided Digital Design
- Abstract: Circuit design is in the heart of modern computing. Algorithms based on
satisfiability have application in functional circuit design, layout,
technology mapping, and various optimization techniques. Many problems
in digital design, though, belong to higher classes in the computational
hierarchy. Encoding those as satisfiability problems is often cumbersome.
In this talk we will discuss a class of algorithms that solve problems
from digital design by constructing and solving Quantified Boolean
Formulas. These encodings are intuitive and can help the designer invent
novel circuits. The algorithms we discuss are generic and have use both
in design and optimization.
The designs computed by our algorithms are compositions of function
types specified in component libraries. Our algorithms reduce the design
problem to quantified satisfiability and use advanced solvers to find
solutions that represent useful systems.
The algorithms we present in this talk are sound and complete and are
guaranteed to discover correct designs of optimal size, if they exist.
We apply our method to the design of digital circuits and discover new
and more optimal classical and quantum circuits for common arithmetic
functions such as addition and multiplication.
The performance of our algorithms is evaluated through extensive
experimentation. We have first created a benchmark consisting of
specifications of scalable synthetic digital circuits and real-world
mirochips. We have then generated multiple circuits functionally
equivalent to the ones in the benchmark.
Our approach generalizes circuit optimization. It uses arbitrary
component libraries and has applications to areas such as digital
circuit design, diagnostics, abductive reasoning, test vector
generation, and combinatorial optimization.
- Biographical information:
Alexander Feldman is a researcher at PARC (former Xerox PARC). Before
that he was a postdoc at University College Cork and a visiting
researcher at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and Delft
University of Technology. He has obtained his Ph.D. (cum laude) in
computer science/artificial intelligence and M.Sc. (cum laude) in
parallel and distributed systems from the Delft University of
Technology. He has more than 50 publications in leading conference
proceedings and international journals covering topics from artificial
intelligence, model-based diagnosis, computer science, and engineering.
In cooperation with NASA Ames Research Center and PARC, Alexander
Feldman has co-organized the International Diagnostic Competitions
(DXC). Alexander Feldman's interest cover wide spectrum, including
topics such as model-based diagnosis, automated problem solving,
software and hardware design, quantum computing, logic design, design of
diagnostic space applications, digital signal processing, and
- Title:Width measures for QBF
- Abstract:
Width measures for CNF formulas have been studied extensively to describe tractable classes for SAT but also extensions like #SAT and MaxSAT. In this talk, I will survey results on how and to which extent this line of work can be extended to QBF.
- Biographical information:
Stefan Mengel is a permanent full-time researcher at CNRS currently working at the CRIL lab in Lens, France. Before, he did his PhD in Paderborn, Germany and spent two years as a postdoc at Ëcole Polytechnique, France. His research interest is mostly in artificial intelligence and database theory. Most of his recent work is on the use of techniques and data structures from knowledge compilation in these areas, in particular for QBF and enumeration algorithms.
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