The proof checker 'tracecheck' can be used to check whether a trace
represents a piecewise regular input resolution proof.  A trace is just a
compact representation of general resolution proofs.  In [1] a regular
input resolution proof is called a trivial proof.

The parts of the proof which are regular input resolution proofs are
called chains in the following discussion.  The whole trace consists of
original clauses and chains.  

Note that input clauses in chains can still be arbitrary derived clauses
with respect to the overall proof and do not have to be original clauses.
We distinguish between original clauses of the CNF, which are usually
just called input clauses, and input clauses to the chains.  Since a
chain can be seen as new proof rule, we call its input clauses
'antecedents' and the final resolvent just 'resolvent'.

The motivation for using this format is as in [1] that learned clauses in
a DP solver can be derived by regular input resolution.  A unique feature
of 'tracecheck' is that the chains do not have to be sorted, neither
between chains (globally) nor their input clauses (locally).  If possible
the checker will sort them automatically.  This allows a simplified
implementation of the trace generation.

Chains are simply represented by the list of their antecedents and the
resolvent.  Intermediate resolvents can be omitted which saves quite some
space if the proof generator can easily extract chains.

Chains can be used in the context of searched based DPLL to represent the
deriviation of learned clauses.  It is even more difficult to extract a
resolution proof directly, if more advanced learned clause optimizations are
used.  Examples are shrinking or minimization of learned clauses.  The
difficult part is to order the antecedents correctly.  The solver can leave
this task to the trace checker.

Furthermore, this format allows a simple encoding of hyper resolution
proofs. A hyper resolution step can be simulated by a chain.  General
resolution steps can also be encoded in this format easily by a trivial
chain consisting of the two antecedents of the general resolution step.
Finally, extended resolution proofs can directly be encoded, since variables
introduced in extended resolution can be treated in the same way as the
original variables.

The syntax of a trace is as follows:
   <trace>       = { <clause> }
   <clause>      = <pos> <literals> <antecedents>
   <literals>    = "*" | { <lit> } "0"
   <antecedents> = { <pos> } "0"
   <lit>         = <pos> | <neg>
   <pos>         =  "1" |  "2" | .... | <max-idx>
   <neg>         = "-"<pos>

where '|' means choice, '{ ... }' is equivalent to the Kleene star
operation (that is a finite number of repititions including 0) and
<max-idx> is 2^28 - 1.

The interpretation is as follows.  Original clauses have an empty list of
antecedents and derived clauses have at least one antecedent.  A clause
definition starts with its index and a zero terminated list of its literals.
This part is similar to the DIMACS format except that each clause is
preceeded by a unique positive number, the index of the clause.
Another zero terminated list of positive indices of its antecedents is
added, denoting the chain that is used to derive this clause as resolvent
from the antecendents.  The order of the clauses and the order of the
literals and antecedents of a chain is arbitrary.

The list of antecedents of a clause should permit a regular input
resolution proof of the clause with exactly the antecedents as input
clauses.  A proof is regular if variables are resolved at most once.  It
is an input resolution if each resolution step resolves at most one non
input clause.  Therefore it is also linear and has a degenerated graph
structure of a binary tree, where each internal has at least one leaf as

As example consider the following trace

  1 1 2 0 0
  2 -1 2 0 0
  3 1 -2 0 0
  4 -1 -2 0 0

  5 1 0 3 1 0
  6 0 4 2 5 0

which consists of all possible 2-ary clauses over the variables 1 and 2.
The corresponding DIMACS file would look as follows:
  1 2 0
  -1 2 0
  1 -2 0
  -1 -2 0

The first derived clause with index 5 is the unary clause which consists
of the literal 1 alone.  It is obtained by resolving the original clause
3 against the original clause 1.

A chain for the last derived clause, which is the empty clause, can be
obtained by resolving the antecendents 4, 2 and 5, first
4 with 2 to obtain the intermediate resolvent consisting of the literal
-1 alone, which in turn can be resolved with clause 5 to obtain the
empty clause.

As discussed above, the order of the clauses, that is the order of the
lines and the order of the antecedents indices is irrelevant.  The checker
will sort them automatically.  The last two lines of the example can
for instance be replaced by:

  6 0 4 5 2 0
  5 1 0 3 1 0

Note that that the resolution of clause 4 with clause 1 results in the
unary clause with literal -2.  It can be resolved with clause 2 but will
give the unary clause with literal -1 as result, which is not the empty
clause as expected.  In this case the checker has to reorder the
antecedents as in the original example.

It is also possible to skip the literal part for derived clauses by
specifying a '*' instead of the literal list.  The literals are then
collected by the checker from the antecedents:

  5 * 3 1 0
  6 * 4 2 5 0

Furthermore, trivial clauses and clauses with multiple occurrences of the
same literal can not be resolved.  The list of antecedents is not allowed
to contain the same idx twice. All antecedents have to be used in the proof
for the resolvent.

Beside these local restrictions the proof checker generates a global
linear order on the derived clauses making sure that there are no cyclic
resolution steps.  The roots of the resulting DAG are the target resolvents.

Armin Biere, JKU Linz, 2006.


[1] P. Beame, H. Kautz, A. Sabharwal.
Understanding the Power of Clause Learning.