These are the sources of the SAT solver Cleaneling. It is an attempt to produce a clean version of Lingeling, where 'clean' means easy to read, understand and adapt. It does not strive for the same goal as Lingeling to be as efficient as possible, particularly with respect to memory usage. To compile run './ && make'. If you want to include debugging code use './configure -g && make' instead. The list of files that comes with this source distribution are: README this file NEWS news log VERSION version number LICENSE usage license cleaneling.h header file for library source code of the library DIMACS parser and application front-end 'cleaneling' release time, compile time and compiler options configure script generates release & compile time option file 'config.h' makefile template makefile generated by '' config.h generated by '' at compile time cxxflags.h compiler option file generated by 'makefile' Armin Biere, September 2012.