
Patch fuzzsmt-smt2.patch.gz to handle SMT2 by Christoph Wintersteiger.


FuzzSMT is a grammar-based blackbox fuzzing tool that can be used to generate random SMT benchmarks in order to fuzz-test SMT solvers. The fuzzer is highly configurable and supports almost all relevant SMT logics of the SMT-LIB. See our paper for more details about the concept of fuzz-testing for SMT solvers: Fuzzing and Delta-Debugging SMT Solvers.

See the README for more information about FuzzSMT.

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fuzzsmt-0.2.tar.bz2 | fuzzsmt-smt2.patch.gz  ]

The patch fuzzsmt-smt2.patch.gz is contributed by Christoph Wintersteiger to generate SMT2 formulas.

Older versions

fuzzsmt-0.1.tar.bz2 ]


We use the GPL license version 3. The license can be found in the file COPYING which comes with the tool.