Incremental Inprocessing in SAT Solving

This page provides source code and experimental data for a SAT'19 which actually was awarded the best student paper award.


Katalin Fazekas, Armin Biere, Christoph Scholl.
Incremental Inprocessing SAT Solving.
In Proc. 22nd Intl. Conf. on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT'19),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
vol. 11628, pages 136-154, Springer 2019.
[ preprint | bibtex | experiments | pictures ]


The archive contains sources code, scripts to run and analyze the experiments, as well as producing tables and plots. Log files are only provided in the first large) archive, the second is without log files and much smaller.

[ incrinpr.tar.xz | incrinpr-no-logs.tar.xz ]
