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The PAC Checkers, Pacheck and PastèqueThis page provides access to the source code, benchmarks, and experiments. The goal of Pacheck and Pastèque is to provide a checker for PAC proofs with extensions. The former provides an efficient implementation, while the latter provides maximal trust as it verified using the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL. News2021: Pacheck 2.0 and Pastèque 2.0 are released here. 2020: First release of Pacheck (available here) and Pastèque (available here). CompilationFor Pacheck, ensure GMP (on linux, use your package manager) is installed and use ``./ && make''. For Pasteque, ensure MLton is installed and use ``make''. ExamplesA small set of examples is available here Experimental Data[ KaufmannFleuryBiere-FMCAD20-data.tar.xz ] experimental data (21.8 MB) |