

New version version 00v for ReRiSE'14.

New cleaned-up version 00g (see NEWS).

New release version 00f as presented at the VTSA Summer School 2012.

Initial release version 00a as presented at the SAT/SMT Summer School 2012.

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In the README you find the list of files of the source distribution, while NEWS describes the latests changes.

We use an MIT license scheme. See LICENSE for more details.


These are the sources of the SAT solver Cleaneling. It is an attempt to produce a clean version of Lingeling, where 'clean' means easy to read, understand and adapt. It does not strive for the same goal as Lingeling to be as efficient as possible, particularly with respect to memory usage.

This is related to our talk given at the SAT / SMT Summer School 2012 in Trento, Italy, which actually gave the motivation for constructing this SAT solver.