Submission and Publication
Submissions of extended abstracts are solicited and will be managed via Easychair:
Submitted papers should be formatted in either LNCS format or a standard LaTeX article format (paper size A4, font size 11pt).
We solicit two types of submissions:
- Talk abstracts (maximum two pages, excluding references) describing already published results.
- Full papers (maximum 14 pages, excluding references) on novel, unpublished work.
The talk abstracts of category 1 should include a relevant bibliography of related work and an outline of the planned talk. For this category, we explicitly advocate talks which survey results already published, maybe in multiple articles or presentations capturing the commonalities and differences of various quantification approaches (perhaps even interdisciplinary).
Each submission will be assessed by the program committee and the workshop organizers with respect to novelty, originality, and scope.
Submissions related to completed work as well as work in progress are welcome. Authors are encouraged to provide additional material such as source code of tools, experimental data, benchmarks and related publications in an appendix or a related webpage. The additional material will be considered at the discretion of the reviewers.
Previously published work or extensions thereof may be submitted to the workshop but that case has to be explicitly stated in the submitted paper. This regulation also applies to work which is currently under review elsewhere.
Since the workshop does not have official proceedings, work related to accepted submissions can be resubmitted to other venues without restrictions.
Authors of accepted abstracts and papers are expected to give a talk at the workshop.
Workshop Report
Extended abstracts related to accepted talks are collected in an informal report which will be publicly available at the workshop's website.